Staying Ahead of the COVID-19 Curve
It was almost a year ago that Edgewood and Vantage announced its comprehensive set of protocols and procedures to help mitigate the risk and implications of the COVID-19 health crisis. Edgewood and Vantage’s leadership played a significant role in shaping and guiding multifamily’s initial response to the pandemic, as well as the subsequent steps taken by the industry as the situation evolved.
Now, we’re moving into the next phase of our COVID-19 response: recovery.
Vaccination distribution has already proven to be a complex and challenging undertaking, and we’re doing our part to help our associates receive their vaccinations as early as possible. Employees at the property level – those working shoulder-to-shoulder with fellow team members, as well as alongside residents – are some of the unsung heroes of the pandemic response and represent the segment of multifamily that has been hit hardest by the pandemic. They are essential workers and deserve to be classified as such by health administrations.
To support these associates, we have partnered with multiple industry associations to lobby for advanced vaccine distribution to essential on-site team members at apartment communities. We’re also providing verification letters to employees which they can present at vaccination centers to confirm their frontline status.
We understand that Edgewood and Vantage on-site teams aren’t alone in their quest for priority vaccinations, and we urge fellow multifamily owners and operators to join our cause. To learn more about our lobbying efforts, essential worker verification letters and the push to recognize on-site associates as essential, please feel free to contact us at
Because residents at supportive housing communities are often among our most vulnerable citizens, we’re also working diligently to connect residents with testing centers, vaccination sites and other pandemic-related resources. With our dedicated staff, and our nearly 50-year mission of improving people’s lives, we could not be better aligned to assist with these efforts.
Along with our objective to protect residents and ensure that they are getting testing and vaccination assistance, we're also assisting owners in managing the risks that exist in today’s legal climate. We’re working to align the efforts of our owner partners with policies and practices that help to alleviate liability concerns. To lean more about how we are engaging our owner partners during the testing and vaccination process, please feel free to contact us at
The road to recovery can be daunting, but we’re working for forge the smoothest path possible for multifamily’s essential workers, residents and owners.